✉️ Automatic Messages

Dotb allows you to automatically send messages to Vinted users who add your items to their favorites ❤️.

Why Send Messages to Users Who Favorite Your Items?

When someone adds your item to their favorites, it’s a strong signal of interest. They might be considering a purchase or waiting for a discount.

By sending a quick message—perhaps with a small discount—you increase your chances of making a sale 💸.

How Does Dotb’s “Automatic Messages” Feature Work?

Dotb scans your notifications for new favorites and automatically sends a pre-set message based on your conditions. You can choose to process favorites from the past 7 days or focus only on real-time notifications.

Phase 1 - Processing Past Favorites

Dotb retrieves and analyzes all your past notifications. You can decide whether to message these users or focus only on recent favorites for a faster process.

Phase 2 - Monitoring Real-Time Favorites

Every 3 minutes, Dotb checks for new favorites and sends messages when the set conditions are met.

Message Sending Rules

  • No duplicate messages – If a favorite has already been processed, Dotb won’t message the user again.
  • Limit of 2 messages per 24 hours – To prevent spamming, only two messages can be sent within 24 hours. If you leave the second message blank, only the first will be sent.
  • No messages if a conversation has already started – Dotb only messages users who haven’t interacted with you yet, preventing unnecessary or redundant messages.
  • Priority for the most recent favorites – The newest interested buyers are contacted first.
  • No messages to blocked or ignored users – Users on your Ignored Users list won’t receive any messages.

With Automatic Messages, you can engage potential buyers effortlessly and turn favorites into sales!